Commands For Dclone Public Channels =================================== Anything inside <> should be replace with what you want to do. For example you would replace with 56 if you wanted to check info on ip 56. There is no need to use * before a username for any command. Public Commands ----------------------------------------------------------- .top Shows the top 3 servers that are closest to popping .hot Tells you the most active servers with soj's sold .event Returns soj info on .signup Signs up your account to recieve whispers when servers get sales or walk. .commands Lists the most common commands .help Tells you to type .commands or to go to this list of commands .afk Sets yourself as away with the desired messsage .noafk Sets yourself as no longer away .afklist Checks to see who is away .irc Displays the name of the irc server the info comes from .name Says what my screenname is on irc/d2jsp/various websites .pingme Returns your lagtime in milliseconds when you logged onto .mail Sends an internal bot mail to with the message !inbox Read your mail if the bot notifies you have some .def Checks the definition of (mostly runewords and dclone related terms) (Also works via whisper) .define Checks the definition of (mostly runewords and dclone related terms) (Also works via whisper) .beep Will beep my computer if I am not set as away. USE ONLY IF YOU NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING DIRE! .joins Says how many user joins to the channel the bot has seen ----------------------------------------------------------- ANY OTHER COMMANDS CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED BY THE BOT OPERATOR